Of course, we could write it down to you. But we can also show you in a 1-minute long video.
Cashbackcloud is an affiliate middleman...
...between you and your service provider. No matter if you’re a poker plaer or a trader, it works the same way. We get money after your activity which we share with you afterwards.
Still have questions?
It’s okay to be suspecious and to have questions. We are more than happy to help you.
3. After opening an account, add it on Cashbackcloud too
To be able to track your account we need to know your unique ID at FXCC. After you opened your account successfully through our referral link above you need to give us your FXCC details.
4. Trade on your account and receive cashback
After we verify your account you'll be eligible to receive cashback on your account.Verifying could take 3-5 days depending on your broker. Of course, your other bonuses and deals remain the same.
Cashback for FXCC existing accounts
You CANNOT link existing accounts to this broker
If you already have an account at FXCC it is NOT POSSIBLE to put your existing account under Cashbackcloud. However, you still might be able to receive cashback at FXCC. Please contact us for further details. Learn more about linking existing accounts.
FXCC es un corredor de cambio de divisas regulado (por la Comisión de Seguridad y Cambio de Chipre) fundado en 2010 por profesionales del mercado de cambio de divisas. Su modelo de negocio ECN (Red de comunicación electrónica) permite a los clientes disfrutar de precios transparentes en tiempo real, a diferencia de muchos otros corredores de divisas, no tienen mesas de operaciones. FXCC ofrece liquidez, ejecución y funcionalidad de negociación STP (procesamiento directo). Su modelo de negocio elimina cualquier conflicto de intereses inherente a otras plataformas de negociación y el anonimato que brindan sirve como garantía de que todos los clientes ven los mismos precios neutrales. La compañía no solo cree en el comercio de tecnología de punta, sino que también se asegura de que todos o sus clientes puedan disfrutarla, ya que brindan acceso al software MetaTrader 4.
This service is fine, but has some flaws. Rebates and payments are exact and are on time. Although, this service is all right, they can improve a lot. It's not a bad choice, however, there're much better ones on the market.
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is the financial regulatory agency of the Republic of Cyprus. In 2004 CySEC has become part of European MiFID regulation. CySEC has a number of responsibilities, some of which include: supervising and controlling the operations of the Cyprus stock exchange and the transactions carried out in the stock exchange, its listed companies, brokers and brokerage firms. Furthermore, CySEC is the supervisory body of the Cypriot investment firms and is a member of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a regulatory body in the United Kingdom, formed as one of the successors to the Financial Services Authority (FSA). It operates independently of the United Kingdom government, and is financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry. The FCA regulates financial firms providing services to consumers and maintains the integrity of the UK’s financial markets. It focuses on the regulation of conduct by both retail and wholesale financial services firms. Like its predecessor the FSA, the FCA is structured as a company limited by guarantee.
The authority has significant powers, including the power to regulate conduct related to the marketing of financial products. It is able to specify minimum standards and to place requirements on products. It has the power to investigate organisation and individuals.
In addition, the FCA is able to ban financial products for up to a year while considering an indefinite ban; it will have the power to instruct firms to immediately retract or modify promotions which it finds to be misleading, and to publish such decisions.
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive as subsequently amended is a European Union law that provides harmonised regulation for investment services across the 31 member states of the European Economic Area. The main objectives of the Directive are to increase competition and consumer protection in investment services. As of the effective date, 1 November 2007, it replaced the Investment Services Directive.
Maybe you don’t find the instrument here which you’re interested in. In this case, please contact us at support@cashbackcloud.co and we’ll be happy to help.
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Every cashback rate on currencies is calculated and denominated in USD. Exact rates may vary because of the exchange rates. We update the exchange rates daily. You can see the exchange rate we used for the calculation next to every currency. Learn more about this here.